FLY! – Ski and Fly – Saturday afternoon

Start your future in freeriding/ski touringDon’t have a licence to fly yet?

No problem, now you can try it out under professional instruction!

When it’s green at the bottom, you usually end your ski tour or freeride descent too early. Unfortunately, with the “modern winter” and its global warming, the arduous descent on foot will become more common in the future.

With a lightweight single skin (max. 2kg incl. harness), you too can fly comfortably with your skis to the après-ski or the next powder run in the future.

At the Ski & Fly workshop, we will introduce you to this new world and give you a springboard to learn this fascinating possibility.

On a practice slope at Trübsee, you will learn the most important basics about equipment and weather, how to take off on skis, how to fly and how to land. If you are talented, you can also experience the feeling of half-flying and half-skiing.

Duration: 3 – 4 hours // Instructor: SHV flight instructor

Training block “Material & Theory” (short)

Paragliding in general
Single skins for Ski & Fly
Wind & weather basics
Application flights
Launch preparation
Independent take-off with skis
Flight experience
Landing with skis
possibly riding/flying or touch-go
Between the flights (approx. 100 metres) you climb back up with the skins. If things go well, you can make 3-4 take-offs and flights.


You do not need any flying skills / training
Good skiing technique
Stamina for ascent 300 metres with skins

Have you been hooked after the taster day? The “Ski & Fly” introduction is the ideal start to your flight training to be able to realise such goals later on:

4 Places Available!
